Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Back to Buenos Aires

After a hiatus of around eight months, I will be returning to Buenos  Aires to teach English, this time I won't be alone. "The grizz" will be joining me, Mike Grizzle that is. He is going to take the suggested (by me) Bridge TEFL course. I assured him of the quality and of the expansiveness. I arrive January 27Th and the grizz arrives sooner. We will rendezvous at the hostel, which hostel -we are still unsure. We plan on celebrating upon arrival. I wonder whether we'll be too tired to stay up all night like the locals. Maybe we'll drink Speed, their drink akin to Red Bull. That's beside the point, I will be immediately searching for jobs at English institutions, the idea is to support myself and learn more about teaching English through experience who is apparently the best teacher.


Sunday, May 2, 2010

I just got back from Iguazu. Words can’t do it justice. Only photos. But ill go ahead and write a few. Iguazu is a touristy town. With lots of hostels, tons of nick-nack souvenirs and a few hooting locals when they see blonde-female tourists. All of which are a miniscule sidenote to the main attraction. The falls are huge. It was exciting to hear the rushing water from a distance while walking on the perfectly paved tourist trail. The lack of ruggedness in the park was a little disappointing, I felt like I was at six flags theme park. But I forgot about immediately when saw the view. The water was reddish brown because there was so much rainfall upriver. A huge part of the park was off-limits (bummer) because it was two meters underwater. I don’t want to get this number wrong, but on the tour, the lady said there was 14,000 cubic meters of water going over each second. Apparently that’s way more than normal, even for Iguazu. There were pathway-bridges to walk on so I could literally stand at the edge of each fall. When I looked out, I pretended I was in a barrel about to go over. In the distance, less than a mile, I could see brazil. My friends and I decided to pay 200 pesos for a boat ride that takes you right up to the falls. The rapids were more intense than normal, so it was hard to get real close. But we did get soaked. At one point, we were facing a huge white-out of mist and water, just staring into it, well not staring, I could barely keep my eyes open and some guy on the boat screamed “BEAUTIFUL!” It was hilarious. But luckily, we move on to a location where we could actually see the falls. Breathtaking.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Puente de la mujer

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

This photo was taken from my classroom in microcentro.

Monday, March 8, 2010